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Weaver Internship

4400 Post Oak Parkway
Suite 1100
Houston, TX, 77027



Weaver has established its internship program for students who are interested in a career in public accounting.

Internship Program Stats


How To Apply

Interested students can visit with Weaver at campus events and submit an application on their school’s career services platform or Weaver’s website here.



Featured Rankings

Best Accounting Internships






3.00 - 3.49



6 to 12 weeks




About the Program

Weaver has established its internship program for students who are interested in pursuing a career in public accounting. Internships are offered in a variety of areas, including audit, tax, energy compliance services, risk advisory services, IT advisory services, forensics and litigation services, and more. Representatives from Weaver regularly attend recruiting events at many college campuses across the U.S. to spread the word about available opportunities and what a career at Weaver entails...

About the Company

Weaver is a Texas-based, national accounting firm with comprehensive capabilities. Weaver does the things you’d expect, like traditional assurance and tax services. Weaver also provides a wide array of advisory services, including risk advisory, transaction advisory, IT advisory, energy compliance services, forensics and litigation, financial institutions consulting, and public company services. Weaver was founded in Fort Worth, Texas, in 1950 and has since established offices across the Lone...

Intern Reviews

  • “The firm's culture is what I valued most. I was constantly surrounded by the most uplifting, supportive people. I could not have asked for a better first professional experience.”
  • “Great firm culture and overall environment. I love the people I worked with and the culture of the firm is amazing! I worked around 40 hours per week, and my manager and department was very flexible when it came to my schedule. If I needed to go to a doctor's appointment, I was able to arrive to work later or leave earlier to make my appointment. Great work/life balance.”
  • “I was required to work 40 hours/week, but was given holidays off. It is a small firm, so the culture is very close-knit and everyone is very friendly. There is an emphasis on work/life balance and Weaver encourages staff to take breaks by providing a disconnect week.”
  • “The company hours were completely flexible and although we are hybrid, many make use of the option to work from home when needed, even if it means start the morning at home then finish at work to avoid traffic. The company provided us with all necessary tools to complete our work, including an extra monitor to bring home to work with. Everyone was very friendly, yet very focused on work at times, making free time later for company bonding.”

Getting Hired Here

  • “Communication was great, pleasant, and effective. I was offered the position in a timely manner, which was very appreciated.”
  • “The hiring process was very easy and stress-free, I felt. I went to coffee with one of the partners, and then interviewed with two senior managers.”
  • “The interview didn't focus on my accounting background or set me up with a virtual pre-recorded video. The interviews were personal, calculated, and pointed. The questions that were asked gave me an opportunity to elaborate on my skills and to ask questions to form a conversation. I was immediately impressed by Weaver and I the interviewers did an excellent job of focusing on the person they were interviewing.”
  • “The interview process was very welcoming and straightforward. I started with a simple phone call from an HR recruiter at the company headquarters in Texas, followed by an interview in the office with the two managers. The interview included standard basic questions, then was opened up to a regular conversation. Nothing to stress about; as long as you are able to talk about yourself and ask the questions that your curious mind is wondering then you will be fine!”