The New Morgan Stanley Research App, and Other Finance-Relat

Published: Aug 24, 2010


This week Morgan Stanley became the first investment bank to release an iPhone App, unveiling the "Morgan Stanley Research App," which provides the firm's research (analytical views) on more than 2,600 companies, along with its views on other securities such as fixed income instruments and currencies.

If you're thinking about whipping out your iPhone and downloading the app, you can forget it. Unless, that is, you're an institutional client of the bank's: those are the only folks who'll be able to get the app.

However, you can, if you so desire, download one of these other finance-related apps (for a small price):

First-Year Bonus App: tracks how much more or less you pulled down than your fraternity brothers (or sorority sisters) during your first year out of college; has added application allowing you to automatically send an email (with an emoticon with its tongue out) to your bros (or sisters) you beat, in the bonus pool, by more than 20 percent.

M&A Grunt Hourly Wage App: allows merger and acquisition analysts (first and second years) to calculate, in real-time, their hourly wage based on the hours they put in, salary they make, and estimated bonus they'll pull down (can be purchased as a package with the First-Year Bonus App).

Tax Grunt Hourly Wage App: similar to the M&A Grunt Hourly Wage App, but tailored to tax accounting employees (also available in a special "Big Four" version).

Shake Shack App: keeps traders and bankers updated, to the latest second, of the ongoings of the establishment famous for its medium rare beef on buns; gives all the 411 on recent plans to open and close, votes to allow or deny the establishment to set up in a neighborhood, line length, lawsuits, beef recall, etc.

Vanity Google-Me App: tracks how many times a day your friends Google themselves (and/or Google you); also available in a version that tracks how many times you Google yourself.

Deny Till You Die App: keeps tabs on how many times large-cap financial services firms “neither admit nor deny” an alleged illegal transgression while paying hundreds of millions of dollars to settle a court case concerning said transgression.

It’s All Obama’s Fault App: records every instance a financial executive in your firm blames the U.S. president for the state of the economy and his (or her) firm’s current financial struggles.

Nazi Analogy App: similar to the It's All Obama’s Fault App but for Blackstone Group insiders only; records CEO’s comparisons of the Third Reich to the current U.S. administration.
