How Green is your city?

Published: Aug 28, 2009


New York made the Top 15! Okay, a little explanation here. Smarter Cities, a new website operated by the National Resource Defense Council, came out with an elaborate ranking, where it ranks cities nationwide on their sustainability standing. Criteria include water and air quality, greenhouse emissions, green building, green space, standard of living, energy production and conservation, environmental standards and transportation.

Three California cities made it to the Top 5 including San Francisco at No. 2, Oakland at No. 4 and San Jose at No. 5.

Ever wonder how polluted or greener your city will be in the next 10 to 20 years? If an eco-friendly environment ranks high on your priority list in where to work and potentially set up home, this list might be a good indicator.

To view the complete listing and see where your city stands, click here.
